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In Solidarity with Justice and Self-Determination for Palestine

The Policy Initiative (TPI) fully supports the universal values of human rights, justice, and freedom, which are enshrined in International Law and should be a guiding principle for all of humanity. TPI stands against apartheid, occupation, genocide and ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, and all war crimes. TPI cannot but stand for the right to self-determination and independence for people under colonial or racist regimes.
TPI condemns the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by Israel. For 20 days, Israel has been implementing a policy of collective punishment targeting Gaza, encompassing both a relentless bombing campaign and a tightening of the 16-year-old siege. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Israel has killed 6,547 people in Gaza, at least 2,704 of whom are children. As of today, more than 1.4 million civilians have been forcefully displaced. About half of Gaza has been destroyed or damaged, with entire neighborhoods razed to the ground, and infrastructures permanently obliterated. Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of schools, hospitals, mosques, and churches target civilians who refuse or are unable to leave Gaza, further laying the groundwork for ethnic cleansing in the coastal enclave.
TPI also condemns many western governments’ unwavering support for Israel as it continues committing war crimes and these governments’ attempts to erase the long history of Palestinians’ struggle for independence and self-determination, as well as Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation and the imposition of an apartheid state. We are appalled by the double-standards of many US, UK, and European institutions that have selectively abandoned the universal values of human rights, justice, and freedom because they are not aligned with their interests.
We are dismayed by western states’ suppression of their own citizens’ voices when they express solidarity with Palestine. Such acts pose a fundamental threat to the rule of law and freedom of expression. We also denounce western media continuously dehumanizing Palestinians, engaging in disinformation that harm Palestinians, and, in several cases, inciting violence against them.
TPI extends its deep respect to all those who denounce Israeli atrocities and demand freedom and justice for Palestine despite facing harassment, bullying, and violence.
We stand with the Palestinian people and with Palestine’s right to freedom, justice, and dignity. As a think tank based in Lebanon, a country that continues to endure Israel’s belligerence, we are committed to challenging hegemonic policies and narratives and advocating for social and economic justice and political rights at home and across the region.
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